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Hey, we just installed 7x7 Ultimate


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Looks good, it's called 7x7 Ultimate

Can download with this link 7x7 Ultimate

Can play at this link 7x7 Ultimate

Description: Make rows and columns with four identical ones. You can move one block to each free cell in the grid per move, provided that you don't have to jump over other blocks to get there. For each move you make, a set of three to six new blocks will appear. You have to use your movements wisely so as not to overfill the grid. If you run out of places to move your blocks, your game is over!

Object: Make rows and columns with four identical ones. You can move one block to each free cell in the grid per move, provided that you don't have to jump over other blocks to get there. For each move you make, a set of three to six new blocks will appear. You have to use your movements wisely so as not to overfill the grid. If you run out of places to move your blocks, your game is over!

Keys: Maus


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