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Game Info

Flash Game
Current Session Leader

crown  N/A  crown

With a score of: N/A
Scored: N/A
Your Best Score: N/A

HOF Champion

crown  N/A  crown

With a score of: N/A

Game Objective
The bowling lane is a magnetic field that holds the ball to its surface: If the ball rolls off the lane it will continue straight into deep space. There are 10 frames per game, and in each frame you get 2 tries to knock the pins down.

Marvin`s Space Bowling

Game Controls

LEFT/RIGHT Arrow Keys = Moves ball Left/Right
UP Arrow Key = Speeds up ball
DOWN Arrow Key = Slows down ball
Game Stats
Times Played: 0
Total Time Played: 0
Times Downloaded: 0
File Size: 622.14 KB
Install Date: 08/14/23 05:28 PM

Category: Bowling [F]

Game Type (v32)

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