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Everything posted by mrs-mercer

  1. The game Space Bubbles Level 17 has a new high score of 2,750 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 2,640 originally set by @Helge on 05/12/2023 06:37 PM. The game's objective is to Wie bei allen Bubble-Spielen besteht Ihr Ziel darin, alle Elemente auf dem Brett zu entfernen, bevor sie Ihre Kanone erreichen. You can check out the category here too Space Bubbles
  2. The game Across The Cave Level 06 has a new high score of 37,460 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 32,140 originally set by @tartaronne on 05/07/2023 09:19 PM. The game's objective is to In Across The Cave, you must successfully link at least three identical images in order to make them disappear with your magic. The objectives of each level as well as the maximum number of moves will be indicated to you at the beginning of each level. You can check out the category here too Across The Cave
  3. The game Puzzle Jewels Level 18 has a new high score of 2,850 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 2,575 originally set by @wolff on 04/25/2023 08:54 AM. The game's objective is to Verbinde die Edelsteine mit gedrückter Maustaste und erfülle die Aufgaben in der vorgegebenen Anzahl an Zügen. You can check out the category here too Puzzle Jewels
  4. The game 3D Mahjong XP 4 Winds Dong has a new high score of 48,860 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 39,600 originally set by @Keem on 05/08/2023 01:11 PM. The game's objective is to Der Spieler hat die Aufgabe so schnell wie möglich die Steine vom Brett zu entfernen. Klicke dazu mit der Maus 2 gleiche und freiliegende Steine an. You can check out the category here too Mahjong
  5. The game Candy Crush Level 233 has a new high score of 3,652 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 2,906 originally set by @wolff on 04/27/2023 02:01 PM. The game's objective is to Candy Crush, bienvenue à la confiserie! Quelle confiserie préférez-vous? Faites exploser .. You can check out the category here too Candy Games
  6. The game 3D Mahjong Chrome The Castle has a new high score of 58,620 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 44,140 originally set by @Helge on 04/22/2023 09:20 PM. The game's objective is to Der Spieler hat die Aufgabe so wie möglich die Steine vom Brett zu entfernen. Klicke dazu mit der Maus 2 gleiche und freiliegende Steine an. You can check out the category here too Mahjong
  7. The game Across The Cave Level 13 has a new high score of 57,760 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 39,840 originally set by @wolff on 05/10/2023 07:47 AM. The game's objective is to In Across The Cave, you must successfully link at least three identical images in order to make them disappear with your magic. The objectives of each level as well as the maximum number of moves will be indicated to you at the beginning of each level. You can check out the category here too Across The Cave
  8. The game Zoo Pinball has a new high score of 83,350 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 4,400 originally set by @figo94 on 05/03/2023 02:21 PM. The game's objective is to Mach dich bereit für ein total wildes Flipperspiel. Eine Bande aus freundlichen Löwen, Tigern und anderen exotischen Tieren wartet gespannt, ob du all die Drehs und Kniffe in ihrem tollen Spielautomaten meistern kannst. Es gibt sogar ein oder zwei Affen. Wie lang kannst du verhindern, dass all deine Silberkugeln an den Flippern vorbeisausen? You can check out the category here too HTML5 Games
  9. The game Mahjong De Luxe Colossus has a new high score of 10,482 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 651 originally set by @Helge on 04/26/2023 12:24 PM. The game's objective is to Klicke immer 2 identische Spielsteine, um sie aus dem Spielfeld zu entfernen. You can check out the category here too Mahjong
  10. The game Across The Cave Level 04 has a new high score of 23,300 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 23,100 originally set by @tartaronne on 05/04/2023 09:42 PM. The game's objective is to In Across The Cave, you must successfully link at least three identical images in order to make them disappear with your magic. The objectives of each level as well as the maximum number of moves will be indicated to you at the beginning of each level. You can check out the category here too Across The Cave
  11. The game 3D Mahjong XP 3D Pyramid has a new high score of 36,300 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 16,780 originally set by @Keem on 04/29/2023 03:07 PM. The game's objective is to Der Spieler hat die Aufgabe so wie möglich die Steine vom Brett zu entfernen. Klicke dazu mit der Maus 2 gleiche und freiliegende Steine an. You can check out the category here too Mahjong
  12. The game Across The Cave Level 02 has a new high score of 31,600 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 26,600 originally set by @tartaronne on 05/04/2023 09:41 PM. The game's objective is to In Across The Cave, you must successfully link at least three identical images in order to make them disappear with your magic. The objectives of each level as well as the maximum number of moves will be indicated to you at the beginning of each level. You can check out the category here too Across The Cave
  13. The game Puzzle Jewels Level 14 has a new high score of 1,850 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 1,825 originally set by @wolff on 04/25/2023 11:39 AM. The game's objective is to Verbinde die Edelsteine mit gedrückter Maustaste und erfülle die Aufgaben in der vorgegebenen Anzahl an Zügen. You can check out the category here too Puzzle Jewels
  14. The game Mahjong Dynasty - 008 has a new high score of 89,202 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 88,640 originally set by @Helge on 05/10/2023 01:29 AM. The game's objective is to MAHJONG DYNASTY a journey through Asia Connect Mahjong tiles to clear the board Make mah jong connections and complete all levels with stars You can check out the category here too Mahjong
  15. The game Caveman Adventures has a new high score of 23 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 10 originally set by @figo94 on 05/02/2023 04:11 PM. The game's objective is to Hilf dem Höhlenmann, den herabfallenden Felsen auszuweichen und das leckere gebratene Hühnchen einzusammeln. You can check out the category here too HTML5 Games
  16. The game Mahjong Colors has a new high score of 35,181 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 6,356 originally set by @Helge on 05/06/2023 06:06 PM. The game's objective is to In dem Mahjongspiel Mahjong Colors sollst du identische Mahjongsteine mit der gleichen Farbe und dem gleichen Symbol aus dem Spielfeld entfernen. Benutze dazu deine Maus oder deine Finger und klicke auf Farbblöcke die nicht komplett von anderen Farben eingeschlossen sind. You can check out the category here too Mahjong
  17. The game 3D Mahjong XP Ceremonial has a new high score of 58,480 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 55,840 originally set by @Helge on 04/21/2023 11:41 PM. The game's objective is to Un Mahjong 3D. You can check out the category here too Mahjong
  18. The game Marble Motion has a new high score of 682 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 576 originally set by @Bill on 05/08/2023 10:02 PM. The game's objective is to You can check out the category here too V2 Games
  19. The game Marble Motion has a new high score of 462 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 452 originally set by @Bill on 05/08/2023 09:54 PM. The game's objective is to You can check out the category here too V2 Games
  20. The game 3D Mahjong Chrome Abstract has a new high score of 41,600 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 32,500 originally set by @Helge on 04/22/2023 12:33 AM. The game's objective is to Der Spieler hat die Aufgabe so wie möglich die Steine vom Brett zu entfernen. Klicke dazu mit der Maus 2 gleiche und freiliegende Steine an. You can check out the category here too Mahjong
  21. The game Kris Mahjong Animals has a new high score of 370 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 360 originally set by @figo94 on 05/01/2023 04:46 PM. The game's objective is to Kris Mahjong Animals ist ein weiterer Teil eines sehr beliebten Mahjongreihe Kris Mahjong. Hier ist es deine Aufgabe die bunten Tiere aus dem Spiel zu entfernen. Benutze deine Maus und klicke immer 2 gleiche Tiere an, um sie mit einer Linie zu verbinden. Merke dir dabei, dass die Linie nie als 2 Ecken haben darf. You can check out the category here too Mahjong
  22. The game Nimble Fish has a new high score of 29 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 25 originally set by @wolff on 04/25/2023 06:41 PM. The game's objective is to Ziel des Spiels ist es, einen möglichst großen Schwarm an Fischen zu bilden, ohne sich von den Riesenfischen und Quallen erwischen zu lassen. Um weitere Fische in den Schwarm aufzunehmen, muss man einfach auf sie zuschwimmen, bis sie sich dem Schwarm anschließen. Je größer der Schwarm ist, umso schwieriger wird es natürlich den Gefahren auszuweichen. Das Spiel ist beendet, wenn der letzte Fisch des Schwarms erwischt wurde. You can check out the category here too HTML5 Games
  23. The game Choli Jet has a new high score of 2 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 1 originally set by @wolff on 05/08/2023 08:29 AM. The game's objective is to You are a cute but weird little creature that wants to travel across the land and you are using a jet pack to do this! But because of your low budget (you are a chicken after all), your jet pack has a very low quality and can only be used in very short bursts. In other words, you have to flap through obstacles and progress! Do your best to dodge obstacles and go as far as you can. You can check out the category here too HTML5 Games
  24. The game Candy Crush Level 366 has a new high score of 4,450 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 3,176 originally set by @wolff on 04/28/2023 06:25 PM. The game's objective is to Candy Crush, bienvenue à la confiserie! Quelle confiserie préférez-vous? Faites exploser .. You can check out the category here too Candy Games
  25. The game Puzzle Jewels Level 15 has a new high score of 3,500 that was set by @mrs-mercer crushing the old high score of 3,475 originally set by @wolff on 04/25/2023 12:12 PM. The game's objective is to Verbinde die Edelsteine mit gedrückter Maustaste und erfülle die Aufgaben in der vorgegebenen Anzahl an Zügen. You can check out the category here too Puzzle Jewels
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